Few of our founders have experienced the miracle of reading good stuff in their lives. They feel that it was their reading habit only that taught them so many good things in life. And, also in their adverse times, some inspirational and motivational good short stories gave them courage to survive the difficult times. They say that those small stories are like treasure for them for their entire life. So, they suggested the idea to share good short readings to Panchtatva readers. They feel that definitely these readings will help lots of people in different shades of life.

So Friends, we are sharing here these treasures with you all. And, we will be happy, if some reading helps you in any way. Your comments are always welcome.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Small Prayer To Wish You A Happy Diwali

Oh God give me the serenity
To accept the things which I cannot change,
The courage to change the things which I can,
And the wisdom to understand the difference

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